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Barn Owls

Welcome to Barn Owls!

Barn Owls are a mixed Year 3 and 4 class. They are taught by Mrs Tebay, Mrs Elliott and Mrs Nowak  We also benefit from Mrs Hodgson teaching us French  and Computing and Mrs Stanway teaching us RE, they are brilliant teachers of these subjects!

We are supported in our learning by several support staff during the course of a week.

Multiplication facts are important in Barn Owls and we practise our times tables every day using TT Rockstars. 

In Barn Owls, we read high quality texts which we used as a basis for our written work and for our guided reading. In guided reading we enjoy novels such as Flat Stanley, The Little Prince, Beowulf and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.  We enjoy immersing ourselves in novels that have a link to our humanities learning as this broadens our understanding. 


In Maths we use the White Rose scheme to ensure we are implementing the government focus of Maths Mastery. This has helped us develop our reasoning skills in mathematics and enables us to learn using a range of methods.


For an overview of all of our Topics, have a look at our medium-term planning page. This will show you what we are learning each half term and allows you to have learning focused conversations at home.


In Barn Owls we participate in a range of educational visits.  These vary in purpose from extending our curriculum knowledge to trying new activities and developing our resilience.  Examples include our Stone Age to Iron Age day at Windermere – foraging, using natural resources to make paints, making an axe and learning how to build and light a fire. We also visit Tower Wood where we experience water based and climbing activities.


Every academic year we work with Eagle Owls to put on a production at the Grange Victoria Hall.  In preparation, we take part in a trip to watch live professional theatre to inspire our acting and singing performance. 


Homework is recognised as very important in our class. A carefully measured amount of homework that revisits prior learning is extremely beneficial.  Our homework is carefully provided to ensure that it encourages the children to practice their calculation skills and grammar to enable them to build on their working memory. Homework also prepares the children to become self-independent as preparation for Eagle Owls and home revision for end of primary assessments (SATs). 


Homework is given out every Wednesday and should be returned to class by the following Tuesday.  Children take home a maths and a SPAG activity.  Children are also expected to read regularly outside of school and must bring their reading record to school daily. 


We enjoy worships in St Mary’s church on Monday mornings, whole school and class worship throughout the week and have a celebratory assembly each Friday.

Click on the  activities button to support home learning. If you are having difficulties with the work then please email Mrs Tebay on the class email address.

Barn Owls Sept 2020 APS (6).JPG
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